Beveridge Middle School, near 120th. and Center, is a global magnet. We were invited to present individual countries in classrooms and then enjoy a all school assembly focused on the world! ILUNO and UNO intrenationals shared their time and enthusiastically explained the culture, language, food, and geography of their individual home countries. Thanks for welcoming us Beveridge. We got to use our English skills and learn a little more about American education!
As we get out and talk to people in Omaha about service, we get to know people's thoughts on the topic. Do people really think serving is important? How often do they volunteer? What motivates them? We will find out and blog some of the responses we get!

    Kelli Westphal

    Since August 2012 our ILUNO Global Citizens have served 1000 community hours! What amazing opportunities we've had and we're still going......


    June 2013
    May 2013

